Carrot Impact is a social impact agency committed to driving progress in partnership with leading organizations across sectors.

We enhance our clients’ strategies, deliver exceptional projects, and execute thoughtful campaigns in service of our shared goals.

Elevate your social impact strategy with expert campaign operationalization & create meaningful change with our support.

Our comprehensive consulting services are tailored to guide organizations towards their goals, be it raising money, revising strategies, reviewing creative materials, or standing up media-driven campaigns from whole cloth. We offer expertise in crafting strategic frameworks that align with your mission, enabling our clients to navigate the complex landscape ahead of them.

We specialize in identifying key stakeholders, evaluating outcomes, and measuring progress, ensuring that your efforts result in sustainable and lasting impact. Whether it's honing your existing strategies or developing new ones, our consultancy empowers you to forge a brighter future, one where purposeful change is not just envisioned, but realized.

What value can we add to your business?

What we do
and do well)

Fundraising and audience building for non-profits

Iterative strategy and project management for businesses across sectors

Impact producing, consulting, & bespoke support for creative endeavors

Let us amplify your impact


Let us amplify your impact

Let us amplify your impact ✴︎ Let us amplify your impact

Your work is important.
Let us be your partner in amplifying it.

Strategy Consulting

Project-Based or Company-Wide
Partnerships & Coalition Building
Corporate Social Responsibility
Theory of Change Mapping
Social Impact Measurement


Digital Marketing & Social Media
Online Learning
Research, Language, & Materials
Story-of-Self Techniques
Public Relations

Impact Production

Script Development
Support at Every Production Stage
Distribution & Festival Support
Partnerships & Film Fundraising
Issue Briefings & Expertise
Impact x Marketing Campaigns

Financial Services

Fundraising & Grant Writing
Philanthropy & Grant Making
Impact Investing

Issue Area Specialties

Environment & Climate
Racial Justice
Public Health
Food Systems
Women’s Rights
Children’s Issues
Institutional Accountability
Human Rights
Prison Reform
Workers’ Rights

and more…

depiction of a pink and blue globe